Gitsegukla First Nation

Gitsegukla First Nation is participating in the Rebuilding First Nations Governance project. In the Gitxsan language, Gitsegukla translates to “people living under the precipice” or more specifically, under the “Segukla” otherwise known as the “sharp-pointed”...

The McConnell Foundation

The people at McConnell support us as we develop a better path to self-determination. The McConnell Foundation has generously provided the Centre for First Nations Governance with multi-year funding, enabling us to further develop our road map to First Nations...
Indian Act vs Self-Determination

Indian Act vs Self-Determination

A side-by-side comparison of Indian Act self-administration vs Inherent Right self-government. This one page document explains what self-determining First Nations can do with governing structures, law making, citizen involvement, lands and resources, finance and...
Seven Steps to Nation Rebuilding

Seven Steps to Nation Rebuilding

Start by creating a movement for change. Aim for delivering good governance: Seeing children learning your language; being engaged in the economy and stewardship of your lands; governing according to your customs and traditions; having true nation-to-nation relations;...