Workshops & Community Forums

Inherent Rights Youth Initiative
The Inherent Rights Youth Initiative (IRYI) supports a diverse group of First Nations youth in an online learning space. Youth learn to use traditional storytelling and together we develop a shared understanding of our inherent governance rights and the obligations we have under those rights to rebuild a collective sense of identity rooted in culture, land, language, and spirituality.LEARN MORE

Governance Essentials for Citizens
This Forum is Designed to Spark a Decision to Change
Citizens in your community join with leadership and administrators to learn about our inherent rights and how the Indian Act obstructs our ability to develop effective self-governance. This two-day forum for up to 100 people provides citizens with a clear understanding of our inherent rights and the power citizens have to transform the way your nation is governed. Participants learn about the impact of our Aboriginal and treaty rights on our relationship with Canada and the tremendous leverage our rights provide us to restore our nations and create stable, safe communities. LEARN MORE

Towards a Healthy Community: Child and Family Services
Healthy Communities Start With Children and Families
Canada’s Bill C-92, now called An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families, intends to address the overrepresentation of indigenous children in care, and the breakup of our families, communities and nations. This legislation recognizes inherent right governance and aboriginal jurisdiction outside of the Indian Act and presents an opportunity to exercise our jurisdiction, develop our own laws and take control of child and family services. Our children must be raised within our cultures and connected to our nations. Our future depends on it. This two-day workshop will show you what you can do now and how to get started. LEARN MORE

The Transitional Governance Program
Transitional Governance is a multi-year program the provides support to First Nations who are working to move beyond their Indian Act administration to their own self-determining government. The Centre provides participating First Nations with a range of services to assist in rebuilding effective and efficient governance with their people and over their territories. The program is rolled out in six parts and First Nations progress at their own pace. LEARN MORE