NEWS: News and Articles

Delgamuukw/Gisday’wa Changed Everything

Crown lands have always belonged to the citizens of indigenous nations. Twenty-five years ago this week, there was a profound change in the law regarding land and governance. On December 11, 1997, the Supreme Court of Canada rendered judgment in Delgamuukw / Gisday’wa vs The Queen. The Gitksan and...

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Youth Learning From Elders: Understanding Who We Are

“We need to train a new generation of inherent rights leaders. And that’s what this is all about,” said Satsan (Herb George), founder of the Centre for First Nations Governance (CFNG). “Because what we’re up against in terms of rebuilding our nations is not only going to take hard work and discipline and commitment, it may take several generations to do.” 

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Indigenous Youth Inherent Rights Leadership Gathering

Join our gathering on October 7th to 10th, 2021. We are the Inherent Rights Youth Initiative, a group of youth who have gathered to support and empower one another as we reclaim our languages and live beyond the reserve boundaries to occupy more of our ancestral places. This is an invitation to Indigenous youth from Indigenous youth. Join us as we reclaim and rebuild our identity through connections to our lands, languages, ceremonies and histories. We’ll be talking about our inherent rights and what we need to do to restore self-governance.

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It is Time to Transform Our Nations

All First Nations have stories about transformation, Transformers that narrate our creation stories. In the oral histories, the Supernatural beings are the characters who transform the landscape and prepared us to live in the places we do and in the ways that we do. Nations throughout North...

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