Governance Essentials for Citizens


Citizens in your community join with leadership and administrators to learn about their inherent rights and how the Indian Act obstructs their ability to develop effective self-governance. This two-day forum for up to 100 people provides citizens with a clear understanding of their inherent rights and the power citizens have to transform the way their nation is governed. Participants learn about the impact of their Aboriginal and treaty rights on their relationship with Canada and the tremendous leverage their rights provide to restore their nation and create stable, safe communities. If you are interested in receiving a proposal, contact us at


Who participates in this community forum?

Elders, youth and all citizens join with leadership and administrators in this two-day event.

What is the purpose of this engagement?

The purpose of this forum is to provide citizens with an opportunity to learn participate and actively contribute to their shared vision of effective self-governance. This event is designed to spark a decision to change.

What will participants learn?

Citizens will gain a clear understanding of their inherent rights and where they come from. Participants will learn what effective governance looks like and how the Indian Act stands in its way. Your community learns why effective governance is critical to the community’s long term health and how they can create their own constitutionally recognized and protected inherent right system of governance.

Who delivers the forum?

This forum is delivered by Indigenous governance experts that understand First Nation communities, history and law. All material used in the forum is grounded in our legal, academic and community-based research.

How long is the forum?

This forum is delivered over two full days.

Where are sessions held?

The forum takes place in your community. Two facilitators travel to your community and deliver this event to as many as 100 people.

What does it cost?

The costs vary depending on the location of your First Nation. Funding may be available from various agencies.