Listuguj is participating in the Rebuilding First Nations Governance project. The Mi’gmaq creation story tells of the formation of Mi’gma’gi and the creation of its seven districts. Mi’gma’gi includes the Gaspé Peninsula, parts of mainland Québec and Maine, and northeastern New Brunswick....
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The Transitional Governance Project
From Indian Act to Self-determination A collaborative think-tank was held in October 2017 at Carleton University marking the start of the Transitional Governance Project. Participants discussed approaches to mastering and moving out from under the Indian Act toward a practical realization of the...
The Transitional Governance Think Tank: October 3-5, 2017
The first major step in the Transitional Governance Project takes place October 3-5, 2017 in Ottawa at a two-and-a half day think tank. Supported by a SSHRC Connection Grant, it will engage leaders and practitioners from 4-6 First Nation governments (Council of the Haida Nation, Lil’wat Nation,...
The Transitional Governance Project: From Indian Act to the Inherent Right
What are the pathways First Nations can take to get out from under Indian Act administration to exercising the Inherent Right of Self-Government? After more than 35 years since Section 35 affirmed Aboriginal rights and title and 20 years of the federal government’s Inherent Right Policy, only a...
The Crown’s Constitutional Duty to Consult and Accommodate Aboriginal and Treaty Rights
Maria Morellato The Crown’s duty to consult and accommodate Aboriginal and treaty rights is a fundamental matter of social justice which invokes very solemn legal obligations. At the heart of the Crown’s legal responsibility to consult and accommodate aboriginal and treaty rights are choices made...